"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above..."
James 1:17
Our nursery offers the option of a safe place for your little ones to be loved and cared for during services.

When is the nursery available?
The nursery is opened during:
the 9:45 AM Sunday School Hour, our 11:00 AM Sunday Service and the 6:30 PM Wednesday Evening Service.
the 9:45 AM Sunday School Hour, our 11:00 AM Sunday Service and the 6:30 PM Wednesday Evening Service.
What safety measures are taken?
All of our nursery workers are required to have a background check and are CPR certified.
Where is the nursery located?
Our nursery is located downstairs, in the first room on the right as you head down the hallway.
Do I need to register my child?
If it is the first time bringing your child to the nursery, you can click the link below to register now.
We also ask that the parent signs each child in and out each visit.
We also ask that the parent signs each child in and out each visit.